A Note About the Social Status Scale

In my writings I make frequent reference to a 1-10 scale.

Actually it's two scales--except it's really one scale. Or two scales that are mirror images of each other and correspond to each other. I treat it as one thing and call it the Social Status Scale.

Social status depends on somewhat different things for men than for women. For men, social status is mostly what your job is and how much money you have. Important physical indicators of your status would be how tall you are, how you carry yourself and how good you are at conversation: do you stand up straight and walk straight? Do you look people in the eye? Do you know how to be forceful and gentle as needed when you speak? How often do you use "um" and "like" in conversation? (These are indicators of nervousness or unclear thought, and the ideal answer to that question is "never"). Do you mumble, stutter or start sentences over? Also, are you tall? (Being tall is important.) But those traits correlate strongly with what your job is and how much money you have. So mostly your social status will depend on your job and your money.

This is where the PUA retards want to lead you astray; they say they can train you to fake high social value by doing all these conversational things right, and they claim this will allow you to bed any woman you please. They are lying. In fact those things mean very little if you can't back them up by actually being high social value. High social value is the horse, and confident behavior is the cart.

But. But being good at interpersonal relations and looking the part of a high social value man is required for having a good job and making a lot of money. Learning how to do those things is the first step to getting better at life. It's just that they won't attract women much until you actually are better at life.

If you're six-foot-four and/or you look like Channing Tatum, if you're an honest-to-god 10 out of 10 on looks, you will automatically be successful at life no matter what you do, but this covers only one man in two hundred thousand, maybe. Looks for a guy are three things, in the following descending order of importance: height, face, body. (With your body there's a certain minimum fitness you need to meet, beyond which returns quickly diminish.) This is why life is unfair and it's better to be a man: you can pretty easily improve your social status if you're willing to work hard at it.

Women aren't so lucky. For women, social status is based almost exclusively on their appearance, in the following descending order of importance: body, face, posture. And for the most part these things are genetic and unalterable. Breast enlargement surgery helps, but only a little and really only for certain body types to begin with. You have to eat healthy and work out to keep your body in top shape, but mostly a woman's social status is preordained at birth by how good she looks. Once again, there's some small bit, 20 percent perhaps, where her interpersonal skills and (this is a new and welcome development in modern times) job and money come into play. But mostly it's how hot she is.

So that's how the Social Status Scale is calibrated: mostly job and money for men, mostly hotness for women. It's a 10 point scale like you're used to.

Oh, and one more thing: Women want to be with men that are not their social equals, but one step ABOVE themselves in social status. If you want to get women that are an 8 on the hot-or-not-o-meter, then you have to be a 9 man--a level extremely difficult to achieve without some genetic luck. A 7-to-8 is about the best you're going to do as a man if you were born short, poor, and only modestly smart. You need to be tall and very smart to go any higher.


Social status is a bell curve, not a percentile.

Most people crowd around the middle; most people are close to average. Probably half the population or more sits in the 4-to-6 range in social status. Talking to guys (who love rating girls on the 1-to-10 scale) it is clear they both think of it in terms of percentiles and polarize girls too much. What they describe as an 8 is really a 5.5 or 6. What they describe as a 3 is really a 4.5.

Only about ten percent of the population is above a 6.5 or below a 3.5 on this scale. Less than one percent is 9 or above, or 2 or below. A girl has to be obese, scarred and missing teeth to be a 2, and a guy has to be pretty damn near homeless.

So know that when I describe a man or woman as a "6" I am saying they are above average. A 6 on his scale is in the 70th to 75th percentile. Calling someone a "6" is an insult in typical conversation, but here it is a compliment.